Demand Pooling

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What are the Benefits

State and Local Governments("SLGs")

Cooperative buying of big-ticket items
Why purchase alone? Save money by pooling your large-ticket purchase needs with other governments across the country and even across international border, while maintaining your own unique product specs and retaining your rights to award or reject bids
Pooled financing/leasing
Enhance your financing flexibility, while improving marketability and reducing transaction and effective interest costs
Surplus equipment auctions
Improve "recovery" on the disposal of surplus equipment through global auctions

Which SLG Buyers Benefit

 States  School Districts
 Counties  Hospital Districts
 Cities  Police Depts
 Provinces  Fire Depts
 Transit agencies  Homeland Security
 Airports  Coops
 Associations of govts  …and more

How Suppliers also Benefit

Improved visibility of demand
Better ability to plan production schedules
Lower inventory costs
Better ability to order sub-components on "just-in-time" basis
Lower marketing costs
Larger volume purchases with higher revenues
Reduced payment periods
Improved cashflow  

12655 North Central Expressway Suite 910 | Dallas, TX 75243 | 972-388-1950
Demand Pooling Global Services, LLC ©2019-2020 All Rights Reserved